Tampa parking lot striping can make or break your business! The quality of your parking lot matters. It directly impacts curb appeal, influences traffic flow and makes a big difference in your property’s safety. Fresh lines are essential. Still, many property owners fall prey to several common parking lot striping mistakes.
Here are some of the most common and what you can do to avoid them.
Do Any Parking Lot Striping Mistakes Revolve Around Surface Preparation?
Parking lot striping paint needs a clean and properly prepared surface to bond to. Therefore, failing to prepare the pavement for application is a huge mistake! Despite how simple parking lot striping projects might seem, spending time cleaning and degreasing is important. Otherwise, your paint will peel off and chip far sooner than you want.
Contractors should remove all dirt, oil and moisture before application. Some companies will visit the site a day or two before your appointment to handle all site prep, which can include power washing, surface etching, etc.
Does the Type of Paint Utilized Impact Lot Striping Projects?
The type of parking lot striping paint you use makes a huge difference in visibility and longevity. Cheaper water- or solvent-based paints will lower parking lot striping costs. However, they last only a fraction of the time that more resilient options like methyl methacrylate (MMA) or thermoplastic paints will.
Weigh all your options and work with your contractor to find a solution that meets your needs and budget. While more premium paints will increase the total parking lot striping costs, the visibility and resilience they provide are well worth the investment.
Does Code Compliance Matter for Tampa Striping?
Don’t forget to consider all local codes and regulations when completing parking lot painting projects. Failure to meet codes can result in steep fines. Plus, you’ll have to redo the project while footing brand-new parking lot striping costs.
Codes can vary, but a seasoned parking lot striping contractor should know local regulations and ordinances well.
It’s also important to include all necessary accessibility requirements. ADA-compliant spaces, loading zones, crosswalks and more will ensure your parking lot is accessible to everyone.
How Much Planning is Involved?
There’s nothing worse than a lot with uneven spaces and a difficult-to-navigate layout. The company you hire to do Tampa parking lot striping should take time to measure every line, stencil and marking.
If necessary, invest in new layout design services. Having an expert revamp your lot can help you create more space while maximizing space efficiency. Either way, measure and plan your parking lot painting project to ensure accuracy and precision.
Why is Not Hiring a Professional One of the Biggest Parking Lot Striping Mistakes?
Here’s one of the most common mistakes property owners make the first time they repaint their lots: Parking lot striping looks easy, but you’ll quickly find that it’s way out of your wheelhouse to tackle a DIY project!
Professionals have access to higher quality equipment, better parking lot striping paint formulas and more. They know how to work efficiently and can knock out pristine lines in less time than DIYers.
Don’t let yourself fall into these common parking lot striping mistakes! At Line Striping of Tampa Bay, we have what it takes to complete projects of all sizes and scopes. We work hard to deliver great results at competitive prices.
We’re available for parking lot striping, stencils, sign installation, concrete stop installation, bollards and asphalt sealcoating. Let us give you the five-star experience you deserve.
Call Line Striping of Tampa Bay today at (727)800-5987 for a free quote. If you prefer, you can also submit your information through our online contact form or email the team at contact@paintmyparkinglot.com.