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Parking lot striping in Tampa is important for maintaining a revenue-generating business. Many questions have arisen about the process of painting parking lots, the materials, and the benefits of re-striping pavement. In this blog, we will identify and answer some of those frequently asked questions about parking lot painting to provide a better understanding of this type of maintenance.

Why is Tampa parking lot striping necessary?

First and foremost, parking lot painting and parking lot sealcoating enhances overall safety by clearly marking parking spaces, crosswalks, and directional arrows. Proper (and freshly applied) striping and markings guide drivers, prevent accidents, and organize traffic flow.

Additionally, it also ensures your business is in compliance with accessibility laws by designating reserved spaces for disabled drivers. Having no parking pavement markings can serve a similar purpose. 

How often should parking lot painting be done?

The frequency of parking lot painting depends on many factors. For example, traffic volume, weather conditions, and pavement quality are three of the biggest factors. Typically, parking lot re-striping should be done every 2-3 years to maintain a visible layout on top of the asphalt surface. Needless to say, high traffic areas will most likely require more frequent paint to counter the erosion.

What materials are used for Tampa parking lot painting?

Materials used for parking lot painting include high-quality traffic paint and thermoplastic coatings. Traffic paint is typically used for striping and markings on typical asphalt—as it is durable, quick-drying, and resistant to fading and peeling.

Thermoplastic coatings are used specifically for high-traffic areas or on concrete surfaces. They provide a more durable finish and can withstand heavy wear and tear.

Can parking lot painting be performed in all weather conditions?

The straight answer is: no. Parking lot striping in Tampa should be performed at a time with dry roads and mild temperatures, nothing extreme. Even while dry, more minor weather conditions could change the way the paint adheres to the pavement. For example, moisture and extreme temperatures can negatively affect the drying and adhesion of the paint.

Typically, parking lot painting is avoided during rainy or humid conditions. Depending on what is needed, there are some nuances. Therefore, it’s best to play it safe and consult with a professional painter. They will help determine the best time to apply line striping to your parking lot.

How can my parking lot painting be maintained?

Naturally, yes, regular maintenance is important to ensure the life of your parking lot and the efficacy of the paint itself. Sweep your lot on a regular basis to collect road debris, dirt, and trash. This will bring cleanliness to your parking lot and keep the paint markings clear for drivers and pedestrians alike.

It would be smart to pressure wash any stained surfaces as they are discovered to maintain safety and overall curb appeal. Once your paint fades, cracks, or shows signs of aging, be sure to schedule a re-striping or touch-up to keep everything intact.

In Conclusion

It may be mundane or seem unnecessary, but maintaining proper parking lot striping is key. Doing so will keep you in compliance with ADA parking requirements, for example. Save yourself the time and hassle by hiring a professional team like Line Striping of Tampa Bay. 

Call us now at 727-800-5987 to request an estimate on your next parking lot painting job. We are your local parking lot contractor serving the greater Tampa Bay area. You can also contact us through our website!